#35ORTE: Social media campaign from 4 October to 9 November 2024

Mann guckt durch Spalt in der Berliner Mauer, 1990 DHM © Reiss, Sigrid

The Berlin Wall came down on the evening of 9 November 1989. The events that took place in Berlin that night and well into the morning hours of 10 November marked a historical turning point in German history. Today, 35 years after the fall of the Wall, from 4 October to 9 November, 15 Berlin-based institutions will be spotlighting “(un)known places” and the stories behind these sites with a social media campaign using the hashtag #35Orte (#35sites).

Included are

The Allied Museum

Berlin TV Tower

DDR Museum

German Historical Museum

Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial

Humboldt Forum

Kulturprojekte Berlin

Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

Museum Karlshorst


Berlin State Library

Stadtmuseum Berlin/ BERLIN GLOBAL

German Federal Archives or Bundesarchiv – Stasi records agency

Berlin Wall Foundation

The Haus der Geschichte Foundation

Gelber Hintergrund und schwarze Grafik mit Schriftzug #35 Orte und Umriss der Mauer um Westberlin
© Kulturprojekte Berlin

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